virtual BOOL OnCommand();
Return Value
TRUE if the command has been processed; FALSE if the command should be handled by the gridview or window.
This method is called when the grid receives a WM_COMMAND message (e.g., CBN_SELCHANGE). The grid passes the attributes of the WM_COMMAND message to this method.
Override this method if you want to process notification messages in a control, such as EN_CHANGE or CBN_SELCHANGE (see example).
This example shows how to handle combo box notification messages if you have subclassed a CGXComboBoxWnd control.
BOOL COwnerDrawnComboBox::OnCommand(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
#if _MFC_VER < 0x0300
UINT nNotification = HIWORD(lParam);
HWND hCtl = (HWND) LOWORD(lParam);
UINT nNotification = HIWORD(wParam);
HWND hCtl = (HWND) lParam;
if (hCtl == m_hWnd) // is it really this wnd?
if (nNotification == CBN_SELCHANGE
|| nNotification == CBN_EDITCHANGE)
TRACE("Combobox changed\n");
return CGXComboBoxWnd::OnCommand(wParam, lParam);