Database Binding and Browser Grid
DAO is not supported currently, you can use ADO classes instead in a similar way.
- How can I programmatically append a record to the data source?
- How can I programmatically edit a record in the data source?
- Problems with calling SetCurrentCell from OnAddedNewRecord
- How can I insert unbound columns where I want to display some additional info based on existing columns?
- How can I outline the row or column of the current cell with special formatting?
- Can I add empty rows at the end of the grid after the last record?
- How can I sort a CGXBrowserGrid, CGXDaoGrid or CGXODBCGrid?
- How can I determine the field in the database that is displayed in a grid column?
- Does the record windows deal with "virtualizing" the result set? In other words, is the entire result set loaded into the grid when the query is executed?
- How do I intercept the flow of data from Objective Grid to a database and vice-a-versa?
- How do I change the styles for cells when using a browser grid? SetStyleRange() doesn't appear to be working?
- Do you have any guidelines how to convert an application from ODBC grids to DAO Grids?
- How can I enable dragging rows? I want that the user is able to move columns to a new position just the same way as this is possible with columns.
- Is there an ability to prevent a record from being written to the database whenever a row is updated or inserted in the database?
- How can I display default values in the last row?
- When I close the dialog via the system menu (X box in dialog title) I want to check whether the grid has been edited. Is it possible to display a message box when there are pending changes?
- After I requery the recordset the grid does not reflect any changes in the row count, it even crashes sometimes.
- When I display a recordset that is sorted with a "order by" clause and append a new record and the new record gets sorted in the recordset, the recordset gets out of sync. How can I avoid that?
- I want to be able to attach a recordset to a bound grid after calling OnInitialUpdate and start with an empty grid? Is this possible?
- I am trying to validate certain fields by overriding CGXODBCGrid::OnFlushRecord. I am able to display message box to the user. But, after I display warning message to the user, I would like to move focus to the cell with invalid data. How can I do that?
- When I am executing several commands (resize rows, hide columns) with a CGXODBCGrid and sandwich them in BeginTrans and CommitTrans calls I still have to undo each command. Why does BeginTrans/CommitTrans not work with ODBCGrid (and DAOGrid too)?
- With CGXODBCGrid (and DAOGrid) when the user selects a row, I would like to move the current cell to the first editable column in that selected row. How can I do that?