Do you have any guidelines how to convert an application from ODBC grids to DAO Grids?

Here are some key topics:

in your stdafx.h remove previous include for ODBC and add gxdao.h

call GXInitDao() in IntiInstance and remove GXInitODBC()

change the class derivations (e.g. CGXRecordView to CGXDaoRecordView)

Change any references to CGXDbParam to CGXDaoParam.

Change the recordsets. You need not create them with ClassWizard. You might simply derive them from CDaoRecordset and remove all the DDX code as it is not necessary to map columns to member variables as ClassWizard is doing. Maybe it is easier to simply derive a class from CDaoRecordset and override the GetDefaultSQL() and statement and return the SQL statement and also override the GetDefaultDbName() and return the database name.

Change the parameters of all recordsets using the m_strFilter to the new dao syntax that requires the name given to your parameter.

Change all the Try/Catch exception handling to use the DAO version.