Column Widths and Row Heights
- I want the grid to optimally resize columns when the user double clicks on them (just like with the Windows Explorer:-Details view). Is this possible?
- I have set EnableTrackRowHeight(GX_TRACK_ALL), but some rows are not getting resized at all. What is wrong?
- I have specified SetAutoSize(TRUE) and SetWordWrap(TRUE) for cells. Now when I call SetValueRange() for these cell with a string too large to fit into the cell the cells don't resize. How can I force this?
- How can I make column widths relative to the size of the grid? In other words, they should increase/decrease as the view size is changed.
- How can I make the last column fill the rest of the windows area? In other words, I don't want that an empty gray area appears after the last column.
- How do I set the column widths based on the size of my strings?
- Can I resize the client area of a grid view to fit the width or height of the grid?
- I have a large grid with many rows and I would like to display rows with optimal height. How can I delay resizing the rows so that the row heights are only calculated before the row gets displayed?
- If I call SetRowHeight or SetColWidth after I have changed the standard font, the row height/column width is not stored correct. If I redraw the grid, and then call SetRowHeight everything works fine.