I have a large grid with many rows and I would like to display rows with optimal height. How can I delay resizing the rows so that the row heights are only calculated before the row gets displayed?

Please add the following declarations to your view

   virtual int GetRowHeight(ROWCOL nRow);
   virtual long OnCalcRowHeightOnDemand(ROWCOL nRow);

and the following code in the implementation .cpp file

class CMyParam: public CGXGridParam
   friend class C1stGridView;
int C1stGridView::GetRowHeight(ROWCOL nRow)
   CMyParam* pParam = (CMyParam*) GetParam();
   // if height of this row is already computed
   long nHeight;
   if (!IsRowHidden(nRow) && !pParam->m_RowHeights.Lookup(nRow, nHeight))
      pParam->m_RowHeights.SetAt(nRow, Height_DPtoLP(GetDefaultRowHeight()));
      nHeight = OnCalcRowHeightOnDemand(nRow);
      pParam->m_RowHeights.SetAt(nRow, Height_DPtoLP(nHeight));
   return CGXGridCore::GetRowHeight(nRow);
long C1stGridView::OnCalcRowHeightOnDemand(ROWCOL nRow)
   // compute height of this row (code copied from ResizeRowHeightsToFit)
   CGXStyle* pStyleStandard = &StandardStyle();
   CClientDC dc(m_pGridWnd);
   // select default font into device context
   CFont* pOldFont = LoadFont(&dc, *pStyleStandard);
   int nHeight = 0;
   ROWCOL nColCount = GetColCount();
   for (ROWCOL nCol = GetHeaderCols()+1; nCol <= nColCount; nCol++)
      if (GetColWidth(nCol) > 0)
         CGXStyle* pStyle = CreateStyle();
         ComposeStyleRowCol(nRow, nCol, pStyle);
         CGXControl* pControl = GetRegisteredControl(pStyle->GetControl());
         CSize size = pControl->CalcSize(&dc, nRow, nCol, *pStyle, pStyleStandard, TRUE);
         nHeight = max(nHeight, size.cy);
         // Style object recycling (CreateStyle will use this style-object again)
   if (pOldFont)
   return nHeight;

If necessary, you can force that all row heights will be recalculated by emptying