Click or drag to resize
GridControl Methods

The GridControl type exposes the following members.

Public methodBeginInit
Implements ISupportInitialize.
Public methodCalcClientColFromPt
Computes the column for the point.
Public methodCalcClientRowFromPt
Computes the row for the point.
Public methodCalcRectFromRowColEx(UInt32, UInt32)
Computes the window-area for the given range of cells.
Public methodCalcRectFromRowColEx(UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32)
Computes the window-area for the given range of cells.
Public methodCalcSumOfColWidths(UInt32, UInt32)
Computes the total width of the given columns.
Public methodCalcSumOfColWidths(UInt32, UInt32, Int32)
Computes the total width of the given columns.
Public methodCalcSumOfRowHeights(UInt32, UInt32)
Computes the total height of the given rows.
Public methodCalcSumOfRowHeights(UInt32, UInt32, Int32)
Computes the total height of the given rows.
Public methodCanClear
Checks if the currently selected range of cells can be cleared.
Public methodCanCopy
Checks if the currently selected range of cells can be copied.
Public methodCanCut
Checks if the currently selected range of cells can be cut.
Public methodCanPaste
Checks if the currently selected range of cells can be pasted into the grid.
Public methodCanSelectCurrentCell
Determines if the new current cell can be selected or the old current cell deselected.
Public methodClearCells(Range)
Clears a range of cells.
Public methodClearCells(Range, Boolean)
Clears a range of cells.
Public methodConvertClientCol
Converts the specified column index into a relative index.
Public methodConvertClientRow
Converts the specified row index into a relative index.
Public methodConvertCol
Converts the specified column index into an absolute index.
Public methodConvertRow
Converts the specified row index into an absolute index.
Public methodCopyCells(Range, UInt32, UInt32)
Copies a range of cells to a specified location in the grid.
Public methodCopyCells(Range, UInt32, UInt32, RedrawFlags)
Copies a range of cells to a specified location grid.
Public methodCopyTextToFile
Writes the text values of the specified range of cells in tab-delimited format to a FileStream.
Public methodDelayFloatCells
Recalculates floating cells on the entire grid.
Public methodDelayFloatCells(Range)
Recalculates floating cells for a given range.
Public methodDelayFloatCells(Range, UInt32)
Recalculates floating cells.
Public methodDelayMergeCells
Recalculates all merge cells.
Public methodDelayMergeCells(Range)
Recalculates the specified merge cells.
Public methodDelayMergeCells(Range, UInt32, UInt32)
Recalculates merge cells.
Public methodDesignTimeInitialize
Performs some specialized design-time grid initialization.
Public methodEndInit
Implements ISupportInitialize.
Public methodGetCellControl
Obtains the CellControl instance associated with a custom .NET cell editor control.
Protected methodGetColCount
Returns the number of columns in the grid.
Public methodGetColWidth
Gets the width of the specified column.
Public methodGetControlTextRowCol
Gets the text value stored in a cell.
Public methodGetExpressionRowCol
Gets the expression stored in a given cell.
Public methodGetFontHeight
Returns the height of the standard-style font in pixels.
Public methodGetFontWidth
Returns the average width of the standard-style font in pixels.
Public methodGetGridLineStyle
Gets the grid line style.
Public methodGetGridRect
Returns the window area for the grid.
Protected methodGetRowCount
Returns the number of rows in the grid.
Public methodGetRowHeight
Gets the height ot the specified row.
Public methodGetSelectedCols
Returns an array containing the selected column indices.
Public methodGetSelectedCols(Boolean)
Returns an array containing the selected column indices.
Public methodGetSelectedCols(Boolean, Boolean)
Returns an array containing the selected column indices.
Public methodGetSelectedRows
Returns an array containing the selected row indices.
Public methodGetSelectedRows(Boolean)
Returns an array containing the selected row indices.
Public methodGetSelectedRows(Boolean, Boolean)
Returns an array containing the selected row indices.
Public methodGetValueRowCol
Gets the value stored in a cell.
Public methodHeight_DPtoLP
Public methodHeight_LPtoDP
Public methodHideCols(UInt32, UInt32, Boolean)
Hides the specified columns.
Public methodHideCols(UInt32, UInt32, Boolean, RedrawFlags)
Hides the specified columns.
Public methodHideCols(UInt32, UInt32, Boolean, RedrawFlags, CmdType)
Hides the specified columns.
Public methodHideRange
Hides a range of cells.
Public methodHideRows(UInt32, UInt32, Boolean)
Hides the specified rows.
Public methodHideRows(UInt32, UInt32, Boolean, RedrawFlags)
Hides the specified rows.
Public methodHideRows(UInt32, UInt32, Boolean, RedrawFlags, CmdType)
Hides the specified rows.
Public methodHitTest
Determines the type of information displayed at a given window coordinates.
Public methodInitialize
Initializes a GridControl object state at runtime.
Public methodInitParamObject
Initializes the grid parameter object.
Public methodInsertCols(UInt32, Int32)
Inserts columns.
Public methodInsertCols(UInt32, Int32, Int32)
Inserts columns.
Public methodInsertCols(UInt32, Int32, Int32, RedrawFlags)
Inserts columns.
Public methodInsertCols(UInt32, Int32, Int32, RedrawFlags, CmdType)
Inserts columns.
Public methodInsertRows(UInt32, Int32)
Inserts rows.
Public methodInsertRows(UInt32, Int32, Int32)
Inserts rows.
Public methodInsertRows(UInt32, Int32, Int32, RedrawFlags)
Inserts rows.
Public methodInsertRows(UInt32, Int32, Int32, RedrawFlags, CmdType)
Inserts rows.
Public methodIsActiveCurrentCell
Indicates if the current cell is active.
Public methodIsColHidden
Indicates if the specified column is hidden.
Public methodIsCurrentCell
Determines if a current cell is selected.
Public methodIsCurrentCell(UInt32)
Determines if a current cell is selected or is in the specified row.
Public methodIsCurrentCell(UInt32, UInt32)
Determines if a current cell is selected or is the specified cell.
Public methodIsCurrentCell(UInt32, UInt32, Boolean)
Determines if a current cell is selected or is the specified cell.
Public methodIsRowHidden
Indicates if the specified row is hidden.
Public methodLoadFromOGL
Loads the grid from a specified OGL file.
Public methodLockUpdate
Prevents display of updates.
Public methodLockUpdate(Boolean)
Prevents display of updates.
Public methodMoveCells
Moves a range of cells.
Public methodMoveCols(UInt32, UInt32, UInt32)
Moves the specified block of columns to another location.
Public methodMoveCols(UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, RedrawFlags, CmdType)
Moves the specified block of columns to another location.
Public methodMoveCurrentCell(DirectionType)
Selects a new current cell based on an offset from the existing current cell.
Public methodMoveCurrentCell(DirectionType, Int32)
Selects a new current cell based on an offset from the existing current cell.
Public methodMoveCurrentCell(DirectionType, Int32, Boolean)
Selects a new current cell based on an offset from the existing current cell.
Public methodMoveRows(UInt32, UInt32, UInt32)
Moves the specified block of rows to another location.
Public methodMoveRows(UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, RedrawFlags, CmdType)
Moves the specified block of rows to another location.
Protected methodOnCanceledEditing
Raises the CanceledEditing event.
Protected methodOnCancelEditing
Raises the CancelEditing event.
Public methodOnClear
Raises the Clear event.
Public methodOnClear(Boolean)
Raises the Clear event.
Protected methodOnClickedButtonRowCol
Raises the ClickedButtonRowCol event.
Public methodOnCopy
Raises the Copy event.
Public methodOnCut
Raises the Cut event.
Protected methodOnDeleteCell
Raises the DeleteCell event.
Protected methodOnDrawGridItem
Raises the DrawGridItem event.
Protected methodOnDrawTopLeftBottomRight
Raises the DrawTopLeftBottomRight event.
Protected methodOnEndEditing
Raises the EndEditing event.
Public methodOnFind
Raises the Find event.
Protected methodOnFontChanged
(Overrides ContainerControlOnFontChanged(EventArgs).)
Protected methodOnForeColorChanged
(Overrides ControlOnForeColorChanged(EventArgs).)
Public methodOnGetStyleRowCol
Raises the GetStyleRowCol event.
Public methodOnGridBeginPrint
Raises the GridBeginPrint event.
Public methodOnGridBeginPrintPreview
Raises the GridBeginPrintPreview event.
Protected methodOnGridDraw
Raises the GridDraw event.
Public methodOnGridEndPrint
Raises the GridEndPrint event.
Public methodOnGridEndPrintPreview
Raises the GridEndPrintPreview event.
Protected methodOnGridInitialized
Protected methodOnGridInitialized(EventArgs)
Raises the GridInitialized event.
Public methodOnGridPrintPage
Raises the GridPrintPage event.
Public methodOnGridPrintPreviewPage
Raises the GridPrintPreviewPage event.
Protected methodOnHorizontalScroll
Raises the HorizontalScroll event.
Protected methodOnInitCurrentCell
Raises the InitCurrentCell event.
Protected methodOnLButtonClickedRowCol
Raises the LButtonClickedRowCol event.
Protected methodOnLButtonDblClkRowCol
Raises the LButtonDblClkRowCol event.
Protected methodOnLButtonHitRowCol
Raises the LButtonHitRowCol event.
Protected methodOnLeftCell
Raises the LeftCell event.
Protected methodOnMButtonClickedRowCol
Raises the MButtonClickedRowCol event.
Protected methodOnMButtonDblClkRowCol
Raises the MButtonDblClkRowCol event.
Protected methodOnMButtonHitRowCol
Raises the MButtonHitRowCol event.
Protected methodOnModifyCell
Raises the ModifyCell event.
Protected methodOnMovedCurrentCell
Raises the MovedCurrentCell event.
Protected methodOnPaint
(Overrides ControlOnPaint(PaintEventArgs).)
Public methodOnPaste
Raises the Paste event.
Public methodOnPrint
Raises the Print event.
Public methodOnPrintPreview
Raises the PrintPreview event.
Public methodOnPrintPreview(Boolean)
Raises the PrintPreview event.
Protected methodOnProcessKeys
Raises the ProcessKeys event.
Protected methodOnRButtonClickedRowCol
Raises the RButtonClickedRowCol event.
Protected methodOnRButtonDblClkRowCol
Raises the RButtonDblClkRowCol event.
Protected methodOnRButtonHitRowCol
Raises the RButtonHitRowCol event.
Public methodOnRedo
Raises the Redo event.
Public methodOnReplace
Raises the Replace event.
Protected methodOnStartEditing
Raises the StartEditing event.
Protected methodOnStoreColWidth
Raises the StoreColWidth event.
Protected methodOnStoreCopyCells
Raises the StoreCopyCells event.
Protected methodOnStoreDefaultColWidth
Raises the StoreDefaultColWidth event.
Protected methodOnStoreDefaultRowHeight
Raises the StoreDefaultRowHeight event.
Protected methodOnStoreFrozenCols
Raises the StoreFrozenCols event.
Protected methodOnStoreFrozenRows
Raises the StoreFrozenRows event.
Protected methodOnStoreHideCol
Raises the StoreHideCol event.
Protected methodOnStoreHideRow
Raises the StoreHideRow event.
Protected methodOnStoreInsertCols
Raises the StoreInsertCols event.
Protected methodOnStoreInsertRows
Raises the StoreInsertRows event.
Protected methodOnStoreMoveCols
Raises the StoreMoveCols event.
Protected methodOnStoreMoveRows
Raises the StoreMoveRows event.
Protected methodOnStoreReadOnly
Raises the StoreReadOnly event.
Protected methodOnStoreRemoveCols
Raises the StoreRemoveCols event.
Protected methodOnStoreRemoveRows
Raises the StoreRemoveRows event.
Protected methodOnStoreRowHeight
Raises the StoreRowHeight event.
Protected methodOnStoreStyleRowCol
Raises the StoreStyleRowCol event.
Protected methodOnStoreZoom
Raises the StoreZoom event.
Public methodOnUndo
Raises the Undo event.
Protected methodOnValidateCell
Raises the ValidateCell event.
Protected methodOnVerticalScroll
Raises the VerticalScroll event.
Public methodPasteTextFromBuffer
Pastes the text values from the specified buffer to the grid.
Protected methodProcessCmdKey
(Overrides ContainerControlProcessCmdKey(Message, Keys).)
Public methodRedrawGrid
Redraws the whole grid.
Public methodRedrawGrid(RedrawFlags)
Redraws the whole grid.
Public methodRedrawRowCol(Range)
Redraws the specified range of cells.
Public methodRedrawRowCol(UInt32, UInt32)
Redraws the range of cells starting from the specified row and column up to the last row and column.
Public methodRedrawRowCol(Range, RedrawFlags)
Redraws the specified range of cells.
Public methodRedrawRowCol(UInt32, UInt32, RedrawFlags)
Redraws the range of cells starting from the specified row and column up to the last row and column
Public methodRegisterControl(Control)
Registers a .NET control for use as a Stingray Grid .NET cell editor.
Public methodRegisterControl(Control, Boolean)
Public methodRemoveCols(UInt32, UInt32)
Removes a block of columns.
Public methodRemoveCols(UInt32, UInt32, RedrawFlags, CmdType)
Removes a block of columns.
Public methodRemoveRows(UInt32, UInt32)
Removes a block of rows.
Public methodRemoveRows(UInt32, UInt32, RedrawFlags, CmdType)
Removes a block of rows.
Public methodResetCurrentCell
Deactivates the current cell.
Public methodResetCurrentCell(Boolean)
Deactivates the current cell.
Public methodResizeColWidthsToFit(Range)
Automatically resizes the column widths for a given range of cells.
Public methodResizeColWidthsToFit(Range, Boolean)
Automatically resizes the column widths for a given range of cells.
Public methodResizeColWidthsToFit(Range, Boolean, RedrawFlags)
Automatically resizes the column widths for a given range of cells.
Public methodResizeRowHeightsToFit(Range)
Automatically resizes the row heights for a given range of cells.
Public methodResizeRowHeightsToFit(Range, Boolean)
Automatically resizes the row heights for a given range of cells.
Public methodResizeRowHeightsToFit(Range, Boolean, RedrawFlags)
Automatically resizes the row heights for a given range of cells.
Public methodSaveToHTML
Saves the grid to the specified file in HTML format.
Public methodScrollCellInView(UInt32, UInt32)
Scrolls the cell into the view if it is outside the visible area.
Public methodScrollCellInView(UInt32, UInt32, RedrawFlags, Boolean)
Scrolls the cell into the view if it is outside the visible area.
Public methodSelectRange(Range, Boolean)
Selects or deselects a range of cells.
Public methodSelectRange(Range, Boolean, Boolean)
Selects or deselects a range of cells.
Public methodSetColCount
Sets the number of columns in the grid.
Public methodSetColWidth(UInt32, UInt32, Int32)
Sets the width of the specified column.
Public methodSetColWidth(UInt32, UInt32, Int32, Int32)
Sets the width of the specified columns.
Public methodSetColWidth(UInt32, UInt32, Int32, Int32, RedrawFlags)
Sets the width of the specified columns.
Public methodSetColWidth(UInt32, UInt32, Int32, Int32, RedrawFlags, CmdType)
Sets the widths for specific columns.
Public methodSetCoveredCellsRowCol(UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32)
Sets the covered cells-range for a cell.
Public methodSetCoveredCellsRowCol(UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, RedrawFlags)
Sets the covered cells-range for a cell.
Public methodSetCoveredCellsRowCol(UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, RedrawFlags, CmdType)
Sets the covered cells-range for a cell.
Public methodSetCurrentCell
Resets the current cell.
Public methodSetCurrentCell(UInt32, UInt32)
Makes a cell the current cell.
Public methodSetExpressionRowCol(UInt32, UInt32, String)
Stores the expression in the specified cell.
Public methodSetExpressionRowCol(UInt32, UInt32, String, RedrawFlags)
Stores the expression in the specified cell.
Public methodSetFloatCellsMode
Turns on and off the calculation of floating cells in the grid.
Public methodSetGridLineStyle
Sets the grid line style.
Public methodSetGridRect(Boolean)
Sets the grid rectangle for the window.
Public methodSetGridRect(Boolean, Rectangle)
Sets the grid rectangle for the window.
Public methodSetMergeCellsMode
Turns on and off the calculation of merge cells in the grid.
Public methodStatic memberSetNewGridLineMode
Sets the old or new grid line drawing.
Public methodStatic memberSetNewGridLineMode(Boolean)
Sets the old or new grid line drawing.
Public methodStatic memberSetNewGridLineMode(Boolean, GridLineStyle)
Sets the old or new grid line drawing with a specific type.
Public methodStatic memberSetNewGridLineMode(Boolean, GridLineStyle, Boolean)
Sets the old or new grid line drawing with a specific type and borders settings.
Public methodSetRowCount
Sets the number of rows in the grid.
Public methodSetRowHeight(UInt32, UInt32, Int32)
Sets the height of the specified rows.
Public methodSetRowHeight(UInt32, UInt32, Int32, Int32)
Sets the height of the specified rows.
Public methodSetRowHeight(UInt32, UInt32, Int32, Int32, RedrawFlags)
Sets the height of the specified rows.
Public methodSetRowHeight(UInt32, UInt32, Int32, Int32, RedrawFlags, CmdType)
Sets the height of the specified rows.
Public methodSetScrollBarMode
Sets the visibility mode of one or both scroll bars.
Public methodSetStyleRange(Range, Style)
Applies cell formattings to the specified range of cells.
Public methodSetStyleRange(Range, Style, CellModifyType)
Applies cell formattings to the specified range of cells.
Public methodSetValueRange(Range, Style)
Sets a range of cells to the specified value.
Public methodSetValueRange(Range, String)
Sets a range of cells to the specified value.
Public methodSetValueRange(Range, Style, ModifyType)
Sets a range of cells to the specified value.
Public methodSetValueRange(Range, String, ModifyType)
Sets a range of cells to the specified value.
Public methodSetValueRange(Range, Style, ModifyType, Int32)
Sets a range of cells to the specified value.
Public methodSetValueRange(Range, String, ModifyType, Int32)
Sets a range of cells to the specified value.
Public methodSetValueRange(Range, Style, ModifyType, Int32, RedrawFlags)
Sets a range of cells to the specified value.
Public methodSetValueRange(Range, String, ModifyType, Int32, RedrawFlags)
Sets a range of cells to the specified value.
Public methodTransferCurrentCell
Stores and deactivates the current cell or actualizes the current cell's contents.
Public methodTransferCurrentCell(Boolean)
Stores and deactivates the current cell or refreshes the current cell's contents.
Public methodTransferCurrentCell(Boolean, RedrawFlags)
Stores and deactivates the current cell or actualizes the current cell's contents.
Public methodTransferCurrentCell(Boolean, RedrawFlags, Boolean)
Stores and deactivates the current cell or actualizes the current cell's contents.
Protected methodUpdateFrozenCols(UInt32, UInt32, RedrawFlags)
Updates the window after freezing columns.
Protected methodUpdateFrozenCols(UInt32, UInt32, RedrawFlags, Boolean)
Updates the window after freezing columns.
Protected methodUpdateFrozenRows(UInt32, UInt32, RedrawFlags)
Updates the window after freezing rows.
Protected methodUpdateFrozenRows(UInt32, UInt32, RedrawFlags, Boolean)
Updates the window after freezing rows.
Public methodWidth_DPtoLP
Public methodWidth_LPtoDP
See Also