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Objective Grid User's Guide
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5.13 Pre-Built Dialogs for Accessing Objective Grid Objects

Each section below contains a brief description of the pre-built dialogs contained in Objective Grid, a detailed breakdown of each component on the dialog, and a list of associated APIs. If you would like more information about their use, please consult the Objective Grid Class Reference. Dialog item resource IDs can obtained by opening the Objective Grid resource file gxres.rc and browsing the dialog resources.

5.13.1 Display Settings Dialog

This pre-built dialog allows the end user to modify certain attributes of the CGXProperties object associated with the grid object at run time.

Figure 46: Display Settings Dialog

The Display Settings Dialog contains the following features:

5.13.2 Header / Footer Dialog

This pre-built dialog allows the end user to specify page header and page footer text.

Figure 47: Header and Footer Dialog

5.13.3 Page Setup Dialog

This pre-built dialog allows the end user to specify printing specific settings for Objective Grid.

Figure 48: Page Setup Dialog

See Table 7 for a description of the features in the Page Setup dialog.

Table 7: Page setup dialog

Component Description Relevant APIs
Margins Editing controls used to specify the print margins.
Preview Preview grid that allows the user to see the changes in real time, before applying them back to the grid. N/A
Titles and Grid Lines Check boxes that allow the user to customize the column/row headers and gridlinesRow Headers. Specifies if row headers should be printed.Column Headers. Specifies if column headers should be printed.Print Frame. Specifies if a frame should be drawn around the grid when printed.Vertical Lines. Specifies if vertical grid lines should be printed.Horizontal Lines. Specifies if horizontal grid lines should be printed.Only Black and White. Specifies if the grid should be printed only with black and white colors.
Page Order Radio buttons used to specify the page order when printing a grid across multiple pages.
Center on Page Check boxes used to specify vertical and horizontal centering when printing a grid.
Save Settings to Profile Check box that allows the user to save the current dialog settings as the default values. When the user has checked this check box, a boolean variable, whose address was passed during dialog class construction, will be set to TRUE. The developer should check this variable to determine if the profile should be saved. N/A

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