1. Open a command prompt window.
2. Ensure that the environment variables lib and include are set for the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler. If not, run vcvarsall.bat, usually located in the <MSVC_installdir>\<installer_edition>\VC\Auxiliary\Build directory of your compiler installation.
You must pass the architecture argument amd64, for example:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" amd64
For more information, see the MSVC documentation.
3. Change to the 12d subdirectory below the examples you want to build.
4. Enter nmake. The program looks in the current directory and executes the commands found in the makefile.
For instance, to build the examples for the Essential Tools Module on Windows:
cd <buildspace>\examples\tools\12d