PostgreSQL Datatype | RWDBValue:: ValueType | C++ Datatype |
bigint | LongLong | long long |
bigserial | LongLong | long long |
bit bit varying(n) | String | |
boolean | String | |
box | String | |
bytea | Blob | |
char(n) | String | |
varchar(n) | String | |
cidr | String | |
circle | String | |
date | Date | |
double precision | Double | double |
inet | String | |
integer | Long | long int |
interval(p) | Duration | |
line | String | |
lseg | String | |
macaddr | String | |
money | String | |
numeric | Decimal | |
path | String | |
point | String | |
polygon | String | |
real | Float | float |
smallint | Short | short int |
serial | Long | long int |
text | String | |
time(p)1 | DateTime | |
time(p) with time zone1 | DateTime | |
timestamp(p)1 | DateTime | |
timestamp(p) with time zone1 | DateTime |
RWDBValue::ValueType | PostgreSQL Datatype |
Blob | bytea |
Char UnsignedChar Tiny UnsignedTiny Short UnsignedShort | smallint |
Date | date |
DateTime | timestamp[(p)] using precision of column if specified |
Decimal | numeric(p,s) using precision and scale of column if specified |
Duration | interval[(p)] using precision of column if specified |
Double | double precision |
Float | real |
Int UnsignedInt | integer |
Long UnsignedLong | integer |
LongLong UnsignedLongLong | bigint |
String | varchar(n) if storageLength is specified, else text |