RWDBCursor is the encapsulation of database cursors in the DB Interface Module. This class is a relatively low-level construct that maps directly onto a database cursor. It supports the cursor operations of bind, fetch, insert, update, and delete.
Despite the efforts of various standards bodies, cursor capabilities vary widely among database vendors. For example, if a database vendor's implementation does not support scrollable cursors, an application requesting a scrollable
RWDBCursor from that
RWDBDatabase receives an
RWDBCursor with a status of
RWDBStatus::notSupported. For this reason, using
RWDBCursor makes programs less portable than they might be otherwise.
NOTE: SourcePro DB won’t emulate functionality that is NOT supported by an underlying database engine. See your DB Access Module guide for details concerning RWDBCursor restrictions for your particular database. Using RWDBCursor may reduce portability.
RWDBCursor captures common features of database cursors. Specifically, the class supports:
RWDBCursor instances open on a single connection
positioned inserts, updates, and deletes
scrollable or sequential cursors
operation on application-supplied buffers.
RWDBCursor is pointer-based rather than value-based.