SourcePro : XML Streams Module User’s Guide : International Features of the XML Streams Module : Using the XML Streams Package with the Internationalization Module
Using the XML Streams Package with the Internationalization Module
The Internationalization Module allows you to use a wide range of character encodings in your programs, and convert between these encodings with relative ease. If you need to insert or extract strings in a non-UTF-8 or non-UTF-16 encoding, you can use this module's conversion utilities.
Suppose you have a string in Shift-JIS that you need to insert or extract from an XML output stream. You will use the RWUString inserter and extractor interface object streams provided by the Advanced Tools Module’s Serial package. Because these interfaces take and produce UTF-16, you will need to convert your string to UTF-16 before inserting it into the output stream, and after extracting it from the input stream. To perform this conversion, you will use RWUString and the conversion utility classes of the Internationalization Module.