Advanced Pictures
By using special characters in pictures you can indicate more precisely how the number should look. For example, you can show that a dollar sign is to be prepended to a number by putting a dollar sign in the picture:
____$.__ --> $4.37
A leading zero indicates that leading space is filled in with zeros:
$0___.__ --> $0004.37
A plus sign indicates that positive numbers are to be explicitly indicated:
+0___.__ --> +0004.37
Use parentheses to show that negative numbers should be printed in parentheses:
(______) -> (3.21)
Other special symbols include L and C, for setting left and center justification, a minus sign to indicate that negative numbers should be shown with a minus sign, and a comma to indicate breaking digits into comma-separated groups of three.
NOTE: Refer to the RWDecimalFormat entry in the SourcePro API Reference Guide for a complete list of formatting options.