SourcePro : Introduction to SourcePro® : SourcePro Core : Definition : The Internationalization Module
The Internationalization Module
The Internationalization Module in SourcePro Core provides classes for:
*representing, collating, normalizing, and parsing Unicode strings
*conversion between Unicode and hundreds of other character encodings
*storing and accessing locale-dependent data, such as message strings
Collectively, these classes provide a framework for internationalization and localization, enabling rapid development of applications targeted for global markets.
The Internationalization Module is built on the Unicode® Consortium International Components for Unicode (ICU), the industry standard for Unicode processing. Unicode is the universal character encoding scheme for written characters and text. It is the industry standard for writing internationalized applications. This is especially true for any environment that requires a wide character encoding (16-bits or greater), such as some Chinese and Japanese character encodings. Using Unicode in your applications, you can represent all major written languages, and most minor ones.
You can build your applications with or without the Internationalization Module. In general, SourcePro Core does not assume that characters are in any particular encoding, and in particular can handle single-byte and multibyte encodings. However, the Internationalization Module offers additional functionality based upon extensive databases of character and locale information.
For a code example using the Internationalization Module with the C++ Standard Library and the Threads Module, see An Example Using the Internationalization Module with the Threads Module and the C++ Standard Library.
The classes in the Internationalization Module can be divided into the following functional groups:
*Unicode String Processing Classes
*Character Encoding Scheme Conversion Classes
*Localization Classes
*Error Handling Classes
These class groups are accessible through the Modules tab of the SourcePro API Reference Guide.