Part III explains the Networking Module.
Chapter 10 through Chapter 18 explain the net library. They are organized as follows:
Chapter 10 provides information about how the net library is structured.
Chapter 11 through Chapter 15, describe the structure of the net library through short example programs.
The tutorials in Chapter 16 and Chapter 17 provide a practical introduction to using the net library classes, giving examples of how to use them. You do not need to read all of the preceding chapters to understand the tutorials.
Chapter 18 describes the net library examples.
Chapter 19 through Chapter 24 explain the int library, describing its architecture and providing information about how to write your applications. They are organized as follows:
Chapter 19 provides an overview of the int library design.
Chapter 20 includes some basic example programs that use the int library. You can review these examples to familiarize yourself with the functionality provided by the class library.
Chapter 21 through Chapter 24 provide information specific to the network protocols available in the library.
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