Chapter 17: The net Receptionist Example
17.1 The Receptionist
17.2 Receptionist Strategies
17.2.1 Sequential Receptionist
17.2.2 Concurrent Receptionist
17.2.3 Event-Driven Receptionist
17.3 Greeting Protocol
17.3.1 Client Application
17.4 Our First Greeter
17.5 Treating the Receptionist as an Object
17.5.1 Coordinating Receptionists and Workers: Callbacks
17.5.2 The Receptionist Class
17.5.3 Using the Sequential Receptionist
17.6 Event-Driven Receptionist
17.6.1 Event-Driven Receptionist Interface
17.6.2 Event-Driven Greeter Callback
17.6.3 The Event-Driven Greeting Program
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