RWTraceMultiClientFilter RWTraceEventFilter RWTraceEventClient
#include <rw/trace/RWTraceMultiClientFilter.h>
RWTraceMultiClientFilter is a filter that accepts multiple clients and forwards trace events to them.
The following example creates two clients; one displays messages on the screen, and the other saves them to a file. This example can be found in examples/pwrtools/trace/example2.cpp.
#define RW_USER_TRACE_LEVEL 8 #include <rw\trace\trace.h> #include <fstream.h> int main() { ofstream traceLog("trace.log"); RWTraceOstreamClient myFileTraceClient(traceLog); RWTraceOstreamClient myCerrTraceClient(cerr); RWTraceMultiClientFilter myMultiFilter; // 1 // first: connect two clients to multi client filter myFileTraceClient.connect(myMultiFilter); // 2 myCerrTraceClient.connect(myMultiFilter); // last: connect filter to singleton manager myMultiFilter.connectToManager(); // 3 RW_USER_TRACEABLE_FUNCTION("main"); // 4 RW_USER_TRACE_DEBUG("Picked up pencil."); RW_USER_TRACE_TEST("Visual inspection of pencil complete."); RW_USER_TRACE_INFO("Doodling!"); ... return 0; }
The following is a description of each program line:
//1 | Instantiate the multi-client filter. |
//2 | First connect the two clients to the filter. |
//3 | Then connect the filter to the manager to ensure that no trace messages are lost. |
//4 | Generate some trace messages. |
Constructs a global static handle instance (may be used before being constructed).
RWTraceMultiClientFilter(RWTraceMultiClientFilterImp* bodyP);
Attaches to and increments the reference count on a body.
RWTraceMultiClientFilter(const RWTraceMultiClientFilter& second);
Copy constructor.
Constructs an RWTraceMultiClientFilter (handle) and its body.
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