Base Class
#include <rw/trace/RWTraceEventClient.h>
RWTraceEventClient is the handle for trace event client implementations. A client must be connected to a filter (or the global trace manager) to receive trace messages. The filter calls the trace() method each time a trace event is generated. Derived clients should redefine this method to process the event.
Constructs a global static handle instance (may be used before being constructed).
RWTraceEventClient(RWTraceEventClientImp* bodyP = 0);
Attaches to and increments the reference count on a body.
RWTraceEventClient(const RWTraceEventClient& second);
Attaches to and increments the reference count on second 's body.
virtual ~RWTraceEventClient();
RWBoolean operator!=(const RWTraceEventClient& second);
Tests to see if this instance points to a different body than the second instance points to.
RWBoolean operator==(const RWTraceEventClient& second);
Tests to see if this instance points to the same body as the second instance.
RWTraceEventClient& operator=(RWTraceEventClientImp* ptr);
Detaches from the current body (if any), decrements its reference count, deletes it if there are no other references, and then attaches to the pointer body and increments its reference count.
RWTraceEventClient& operator=(const RWTraceEventClient& second);
Detaches from the current body (if any), decrements its reference count, deletes it if there are no other references, and then attaches to second 's body and increments its reference count.
void connect(RWTraceEventFilter& filter);
Connects the client with the filter passed as an argument. If the client is already connected, throws the exception RWTraceEventClientImp::TraceClientAlreadyConnected.
void connectToManager(void);
Connects the client with the global singleton trace event manager. If the client is already connected, throws the exception RWTraceEventClientImp::TraceClientAlreadyConnected. If the manager already has a client connected (there can be only one), throws the exception RWTraceSingleClientFilterImp::TraceClientAlreadyAdded.
void disconnect(void);
Disconnects the client from the filter it is currently attached to. If the client is not connected, throws the exception RWTraceEventClientImp::TraceClientNotConnected.
RWBoolean isValid(void) const;
Returns TRUE if this handle is connected to a body, and otherwise returns FALSE.
void orphan(void);
Detaches from the current body (if any), decrements its reference count, and deletes it if there are no other references.
void trace(const RWTraceEvent& ev);
Accepts a trace event. This method must be overridden by derived clients in order to handle the trace event, perhaps printing it to the standard output or storing it in a file. See the discussion about the TraceEventClient in Section 6.7.2 in the Threads.h++ User Guide.
void validate(void) const;
Throws exception RWTraceEventClient::InvalidPointer if this handle is not connected to a valid body.
RWTraceEventFilter, RWTraceManagerImp, TraceEventClientImp
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