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RWTraceManager RWTraceSingleClientFilter RWTraceEventFilter... ... RWTraceEventClient

Data Type and Member Function Indexes
(exclusive of constructors and destructors)

Member Functions


Execution Tracing

Header File

#include <rw/trace/RWTraceManager.h>


RWTraceManager is the handle for the singleton trace event manager implementation that accepts and forwards trace information to the connected client.

An exception is thrown if one attempts to add a client when there is one present already.

If there is no client connected, the manager buffers events. The maximum number of buffered events defaults to 100. If the maximum number of buffered events is reached, the oldest event is removed from the buffer to make room for the newest one.

The environment variable RW_TRACE_BUFFER_SIZE can be used to specify the buffer's size. Once a client is connected, the manager immediately forwards all buffered trace events, and buffering ceases. Buffering resumes when the client is disconnected.

The environment variable RW_TRACE_LEVEL can be used to specify the minimum severity level for event generation. The default severity level is INFO. The environment variable can be set to one of the following: FATAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, TEST, DEBUG, ENTRY, NONE.

The singleton trace event manager implementation is reference-counted, to ensure that it will not be destroyed while a client is still connected to it.

Public Constructors

RWTraceManager(RWTraceManagerImp* bodyP);
RWTraceManager(const RWTraceManager& second);

Static Public Member Functions

static void 

Public Member Functions

getTraceLevel() const;
static RWTraceManager 
setTraceLevel(const RWTraceEventSeverity level);

See Also


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