RWTHRxmsg RWxmsg
#include <rw/threxcept/RWTHRxmsg.h>
RWTHRxmsg is the base class for thread-compatible exceptions. A thread compatible exception possesses clone() and raise() members that allow the exception to be copied and stored so that it may be rethrown in the future. This capability allows these exceptions to be passed across thread boundaries.
Constructs an exception with an empty message string.
RWTHRxmsg(const RWCString &msg);
Constructs an exception with the specified message string.
RWTHRxmsg(const RWTHRxmsg &second);
Copy constructor.
virtual void raise(void) const;
Throws an exception of the run-time (derived) type of self.
virtual RWTHRxmsg* clone(void) const;
Calls the copy constructor of the run-time (derived) type of self and returns the result.
Exception Classes, RWTTHRCompatibleException<Exception>
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