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Exception Classes

Thread-compatible exception class RWTHRxmsg or Thread-compatible exception class RWTHRIllegalUsage RWTHRxmsg

Data Type and Member Function Indexes
(exclusive of constructors and destructors)

Member Functions


Interthread Communication, Thread-compatible Exceptions

Header File

#include <rw/itc/RWTHRClosedException.h> 

Thread -compatible Exceptions Header Files

#include <rw/threxcept/RWTHRExternalError.h> 
#include <rw/threxcept/RWTHRIllegalUsage.h> 
#include <rw/threxcept/RWTHRInternalError.h> 
#include <rw/threxcept/RWTHROperationAborted.h> 
#include <rw/threxcept/RWTHROperationCanceled.h> 
#include <rw/threxcept/RWTHROperationNotAvailable.h> 
#include <rw/threxcept/RWTHROperationNotImplemented.h> 
#include <rw/threxcept/RWTHROperationTerminated.h> 
#include <rw/threxcept/RWTHRPermissionError.h> 
#include <rw/threxcept/RWTHRResourceLimit.h> 
#include <rw/threxcept/RWTHRBoundsError.h> 
#include <rw/threxcept/RWTHRIllegalAccess.h> 
#include <rw/threxcept/RWTHRInvalidPointer.h> 
#include <rw/threxcept/RWTHROperationNotSupported.h> 
#include <rw/threxcept/RWTHRThreadActive.h> 
#include <rw/threxcept/RWTHRThreadNotActive.h> 
#include <rw/threxcept/RWTHRxmsg.h> 


The classes listed below are thread-compatible exception classes. A thread compatible exception possesses clone() and raise() members that allow the exception to be copied and stored so that it may be rethrown in the future. This capability allows these exceptions to be passed across thread boundaries. The following classes inherit directly from RWTHRxmsg.

Note that RWTHRCompatibleException<Exception> also inherits from RWTHRxmsg, but is listed elsewhere because it offers additional functionality.

The following classes inherit from RWTHRIllegalUsage:

All of these classes have the same interface. In the following sections, we will use RWTHRException to stand in for the listed class names.

Public Constructor

RWTHRException(const RWCString 
&msg="<Appropriate Description>");

Public Member Functions

virtual void
raise(void) const;
virtual RWTHRException*
clone(void) const;

See Also

RWTHRxmsg, RWTHRCompatibleException<Exception>, Section 2.4, "Interthread Communication Package," and Section 2.7, "Thread-compatible Exceptions Package."

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