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Global Enumerator

Data Type and Member Function Indexes
(exclusive of constructors and destructors)

Data Types



Header File

#include <rw/thread/RWThreadAttribute.h>


RWConcurrencyPolicy values describe whether or not new kernel threads will be created when a new thread is created.


enum RWConcurrencyPolicy {
 RW_THR_NO_CHANGE,  // The creation of a new thread 
                    // will not force an increase in the
                    // effective concurrency
                    // supplied by the threads system 
                    // (no new kernel threads are created).
 RW_THR_INCREASE    // The creation of a new thread 
                    // will result
                    // in the creation of a new kernel thread
                    // to support increased concurrency 
                    // of execution.

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