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Global Enumerator

Data Type and Member Function Indexes
(exclusive of constructors and destructors)

Data Types



Header File

#include <rw/thread/RWRunnableHandle.h>


RWCompletionState values describe the completion state of a runnable object. These values are returned by the getCompletionState() member functions of all runnable handles.


enum RWCompletionState {
   RW_THR_PENDING,   // Runnable has not yet exited because it has
                     //  not been started or is still active
   RW_THR_NORMAL,    // Exited normally with optional exit code
   RW_THR_FAILED,    // Exited with exception
   RW_THR_CANCELED,  // Exited In response to request for 
                     // cancellation
   RW_THR_TERMINATED,// Exited in response to external termination
                     // with optional exit code
   RW_THR_UNEXPECTED // Exiting due to unhandled exception or 
                   // signal(currently shutting down process)

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