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2.7 BulkReader and BulkInserter

2.7.1 Support

The DBTools.h++ access library for Oracle supports both bulk reading and writing through the array interface provided by the OCI 7.x functions obndrv() and odefin().

2.7.2 Dates

The RWDBDateVector produced by an RWDBDatabase associated with the DBTools.h++ access library for Oracle encapsulates collections of the OCI datatype struct oci_date.

2.7.3 Binary Data

All rows of a column inserted with an RWDBulkInserter and an RWDBBinaryVector share the same width, the width used as the argument to the RWDBBinaryVector constructor. The RWDBBinaryVector filled in by an RWDBBulkReader can determine the specific data length of each of its elements, so long as the width of the elements is less than 64K. Elements with width greater than 64K are truncated to 64K.

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