Member Functions | |||
entries() isNull() |
length() operator[]() |
setNull() unsetNull() |
#include <rw/db/dbdatevec.h> #include <rw/db/dbase.h> RWDBDateVector dateVector = db.dateVector(n);
RWDBDateVectors are used to transfer date values between the application and the database via RWDBBulkReaders and RWDBBulkInserters. Class RWDBDateVector implements basic vector methods and adds null processing capabilities similar to RWDBVector. RWDBDateVectors are produced by RWDBDatabase. The resulting RWDBDateVector elements are RWDBVendorDates of the type appropriate for the underlying database.
In the following example, a vector dateVector is produced. The vector could later be used with either an RWDBBulkInserter or an RWDBBulkReader:
RWDBDateVector dateVector = aDB.dateVector(n);
RWDBVendorDate operator[](size_t index) const;
Returns an instance of an RWDBVendorDate, which in turn holds a reference to the underlying vendor date structure held in the indexth position.
size_t entries() const;
Returns the number of elements in self.
RWBoolean isNull(size_t index) const;
Returns true if the indexth element of self is null, otherwise returns false .
size_t length() const;
Returns the number of elements in self.
void setNull(size_t index);
Sets the indexth element of self to null.
void unsetNull(size_t index);
Sets the indexth element of self to not null.
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