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2.18 Open SQL and Oracle8

The alternative Open SQL interface introduced in DBTools.h++ 4.0 can be used with Oracle8. This section provides some specific details and examples.

2.18.1 Statement Type Hint

An Open SQL statement type can be nonquery (the default), query, or procedure. This type can be set as the second parameter on:

Although this type setting is not required by the Oracle8 access library, since the proper type information is inserted after execution, it is recommended for application code portability.

2.18.2 Placeholder Syntax

The Oracle8 access library uses positioning binding for binding program variables to the Oracle8 library. When input parameter values are provided through binding for RWDBOSql objects, applications must use proper placeholder syntax in their SQL statements. The proper placeholder syntax for host-variable format is:

where anything can be a name or a number. For example, to insert data into a two-column table, named MyTable, through binding, the SQL statement would look like this:

Placeholder syntax is not a portable feature. Different access libraries use different placeholder syntax.

2.18.3 Supported Datatypes for Input Binding

All DBTools.h++ datatypes are supported for input binding, with the exception of RWDBDuration. This type is not supported by Oracle. Please see the User's Guide, Section 3.1.1, for a list of the DBTools.h++ datatypes.

2.18.4 Supported Datatypes for Output Binding

All DBTools.h++ types are supported for output binding, with the exception of RWDBDuration. This type is not supported by Oracle. Please see the User's Guide, Section 3.1.1, for a list of the DBTools.h++ datatypes.

In addition to the DBTools.h++ types, Oracle cursors can be bound using the type RWDBNativeType1. See Section 2.18.5 and Section for examples.

Applications must follow the type mapping rules as defined in Table 2 for output binding, and bind compatible types accordingly. For example, a character type of width 1 is stored internally as Oracle NUMBER(d) and retrieved as a C++ short. To retrieve the type properly, you must bind a buffer of type RWDBTBuffer<short>, or a compatible type RWDBTBuffer<int> or RWDBTBuffer<long>. Trying to retrieve this as an RWDBTBuffer<char> will result in undefined errors.

2.18.5 Stored Procedures and Open SQL

Stored procedures and PL/SQL block can be directly executed on an RWDBOSql object, just like an SQL statement. For cursor parameters, the proper binding type is RWDBNativeType1. Here is an example:

In this example, myStoredProc is the name of the stored procedure, and myOpenSqlObject is an RWDBOSql instance. Note the hint being given as Procedure.

Please see Section for an example that uses RWDBOSql with stored procedures.

2.18.6 Open SQL Examples An Open SQL Insert Example

This example shows how to use the Open SQL class RWDBOSql in an Oracle insert operation. The insert is done on a foo table with an int column and a float column.

//1-//2 Creates int and float buffers of size 10.
//3The buffers are filled with values using a predefined function.
//4Declares an Oracle8-specific SQL syntax for insertion into a foo table.
//5The SQL is associated with the RWDBOSql object.
//6-//7 Associates the buffer with the RWDBOSql object.
//8-//10 The SQL is executed and data is refilled and SQL is re-executed.
//11Checks the validity of the execution. If an error handler was associated with the connection or the RWDBOSql object, then the error handler is invoked if the operation fails. When error handlers are associated, explicit error checking is unnecessary. An Open SQL Stored Procedure Example

This example illustrates how a stored procedure can be executed using an RWDBOSql object. The stored procedure used here is assumed to take one input-output parameter of type int. It returns one result set consisting of character strings.

This example assumes an error handler is associated with the connection in use, and doesn't check for any errors after calls to the RWDBOSql object.

//1-//2 Creates a buffer for input parameters. Note the difference between this buffer creation and buffer creation in the previous example. In this case, an application address space is bound to the buffer.
//3Creates a special buffer to hold the Oracle PL/SQL cursor parameter. The Oracle PL/SQL cursor is the special datatype representing the result set. DBTools.h++ provides class RWDBNativeType1 to represent the Oracle PL/SQL cursor type.
//4Creates a buffer for output values. This stored procedure returns a result set consisting of string columns of less than 255 characters in length. As in the case of the input buffer, this example uses application address space for the buffer.
//5Creates an Oracle-specific SQL statement for stored procedure invocation.
//6Associates that SQL statement to the RWDBOSql object. Note the hint being given here as stored procedure. The second bound in parameter, cursor, acts as the result set's placeholder.
//7Associates the output buffer to the Open SQL object. We expect only one result set for this stored procedure execution, because there is only one
PL/SQL cursor parameter in the given stored procedure. Consequently, this output buffer is bound to the first result set, indicated by index 0.

After execution and fetching, data can be expected at the result buffer.

2.18.7 OCIStmts

Each RWDBOSql object corresponds to an Oracle OCI OCIStmt structure. An OCIStmt structure is created and associated with an RWDBOSql object only when the execute() method is invoked on the RWDBOSql object. The OCIStmt structure remains associated until the RWDBOSql object goes out of scope, or an execute() is invoked on the object using a different connection. Invoking execute() on the same connection reuses the same OCIStmt structure. Simultaneous Processing of Results on an RWDBOSql Object When Used for Stored Procedure

Multiple result sets are handled through additional OCIStmts. To simplify usage, Open SQL does not support simultaneous fetching of multiple result sets. You must complete the current result set, by fetching all the data or canceling, in order to move on to the next result set. Simultaneous Processing of Results on High-Level DBTools.h++ Objects Using the Same Connection

High-level DBTools.h++ objects, such as RWDBSelector and RWDBInserter, are internally associated with a unique RWDBOSql object. For this reason, these high-level objects are also restricted from simultaneous processing on the same connection. Also see Section

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