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Data Type and Member Function Indexes
(exclusive of constructors and destructors)


#include <rw/rand.h>


Class RWTRand<Generator> is the abstract base class for the random number generator classes. The classes derived from RWTRand<Generator> generate random numbers from specific probability distributions. Each of these derived classes generates a random number from a uniform distribution on the interval [0, 1], and from this deviate derives a random number generator from the appropriate probability distribution. The template parameter Generator is a function object that provides this uniform [0, 1] deviate. Specifically, Generator is presumed to be an object that overloads the function call operator to return a uniform random number of type double between 0 and 1.

The class Generator must have the following semantics, where gen is of type Generator:

Public Constructors

RWTRand(const RWTRand<Generator>& x);
RWTRand(const Generator& g);

Public Member Functions

const Generator&
generator() const;
setGenerator(const Generator& x);
setGenerator(const RWTRand<Generator>& x);

Public Member Operator

virtual double    operator()() = 0;

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