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Data Type and Member Function Indexes
(exclusive of constructors and destructors)



#include <rw/math/mathvec.h>
RWMathVec<double> x(20);
cout << x(RWToEnd(4));  // output elements 4 to last


An RWToEnd object is an index which can be used for subscripting vectors, matrices, and arrays from a given element to the end. By subscripting with RWToEnd objects, you create views of selected elements. These new views are vectors, matrices, or arrays in their own right, rather than simply helper classes. This means that a view created with subscripting can be used as an rvalue, an lvalue, or kept as an object for use later. To create objects which do not share data, use the copy() or deepenShallowCopy() member functions.

The class RWToEnd is derived from RWSlice. It can be used to initialize an RWSlice object as follows:

RWSlice s = RWToEnd(3);


Program output:

Public Constructors

RWToEnd(int begin)
RWToEnd(int begin, int stride)

See Also

RWRange, RWSlice, and the subscripting operator()() member operators of the vector, matrix, and array classes.

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