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C.2 Changes from 3.2 to 4.0

C.2.1 Summary of Changes

DBTools.h++ 4.0 is a major release of the DBTools.h++ product. This release includes numerous internal performance improvements, as well as important changes to the public interface. Please see Section 1.3.1 for information about compatibility.

Changes to the public interface in version 4.0 include:

These changes are reflected in the product documentation. New sections on Open SQL were added to the User's Guide and access library guides; entries on the new Open SQL classes were added to the Class Reference. Documentation enhancements also include new sections on asynchronous readers, caching, and validity of objects, and reorganization of the User's Guide and Reference to aid navigation.

C.2.2 Tables of Changes

The tables contained in this section list the major changes to DBTools.h++ from version 3.2 to version 4.0. Table 23 lists changes to the core library, and Table 24 lists changes to the access libraries.

For more information on core library changes, see the entry for each class in the Class Reference. If you are reading this manual online, click a class in Table 23 to take you to its entry.

Table 23 -- Changes from version 3.2 to version 4.0, Core Library 

ClassDescription of Change
Deleted (no online link)
The class constructors were changed to take null indicator parameters of type RWDBNullIndicator instead of RWBoolean. Constructors added an entries parameter with default value 1.
The following function was deleted:
RWDBStatus connectionType(ConnectionType connType);
It is no longer possible to change the type of an existing connection.
The autocommit() functions were also deleted.
The following method was deprecated, though not removed:
RWDBCursor& operator<<(RWDBValueManip);
To replace the deprecated function, these functions were added:
void setNull(unsigned int colPosition);
void unsetNull(unsigned int colPosition);
The autoCommit() functions were deleted.
The following function was added:
static RWBoolean connect() const;
It is the accessor to the corresponding mutator:
static void connect(RWBoolean enable);
The private constructor that takes a double is now public; the double is interpreted as the number of seconds. Also, the class is now an RWCollectable.
The following functions were added:
RWDBInserter& operator<<(const RWDBBoundExpr& value);
RWDBInserter& addValue(const RWDBBoundExpr& value);
In addition, the ::inserter functions that produce RWDBInserters now have a size_t parameter that defaults to 1. These functions are:
RWDBDatabase::inserter(const RWDBTable& table,
size_t cache = 1);

RWDBDatabase::inserter(const RWDBTable& table,
const RWDBSchema& schema, size_t cache = 1);

RWDBTable::inserter(size_t cache = 1);
RWDBTable::inserter(const RWDBSchema& columnList,
size_t cache = 1);

New class; part of the Open SQL interface. See the User's Guide, Part IV, "Using Open SQL," especially Section 13.3.
New class; part of the Open SQL interface. See the User's Guide, Part IV, "Using Open SQL," especially Section 13.1.
The ::reader functions that produce RWDBReaders now have a size_t parameter that defaults to 0. These functions are:
RWDBTable::reader(size_t cache = 0);
RWDBTable::reader(const RWDBConnection& conn,
size_t cache = 0);

RWDBSelector::reader(size_t cache = 0);
RWDBSelector::reader(const RWDBConnection& conn,
size_t cache = 0);

This class is now handle/body. The copy constructor and assignment operator follow the same non-copy-on-write semantics as the rest of the library.
This class is no longer RWOrdered, but remains RWCollectable in case existing users require the collectable interface.
The following functions were added:
RWDBStatus clear();
RWStoredProc& operator<<(const RWDBBoundExpr&

New class; part of the Open SQL interface. See the User's Guide, Part IV, "Using Open SQL," especially Section 13.2.
The function:
RWBoolean canConvert(ValueType type) const;
now returns TRUE when:
--a valid conversion is defined in Table 21, Class Reference
--self's type is String and self is a valid representation
of a number

Table 24 lists changes to the DBTools.h++ 4.0 access libraries. For more information, see the individual access library guides. If you are reading this manual online, please note that class names in this table are not active links.

Table 24 -- Changes from version 3.2 to version 4.0, Access Libraries

ClassDescription of Change
No changes to the public interface.
The following function was deleted:
SQLINTEGER loginTimeout() const;
The function was never supported.
All system handle functions in the Informix access library were deleted. See the Informix access library guide on how to make direct system calls.
RWDBInformixEnvironment Handle
The following functions were added:
int loginTimeout() const;
RWDBStatus loginTimeout(int value);
int accessMode() const;
RWDBStatus accessMode(int value);
RWBoolean traceOption() const;
RWDBStatus traceOption
(RWBoolean value);
RWCString traceFileName() const;
RWDBStatus traceFileName
(const RWCString& name);
int cursorOption() const;
RWDBStatus cursorOption(int value);
RWCString currentQualifier() const;
RWDBStatus currentQualifier
(const RWCString& name) ;
size_t maxBlobSize() const;
RWDBStatus maxBlobSize(size_t bSize);
size_t maxStringSize() const;
RWDBStatus maxStringSize
(size_t bSize);
This class was renamed: RWDBMsSqlLibSystemHandle.
The access library was renamed:
Microsoft SQL Server access library
The following function was added:
SQLHDBC hdbc();
The following functions were deleted:
DBPROCESS* dbproc();
LOGINREC* loginrec();
unsigned long textThreshold() const;
RWDBStatus textThreshold
(unsigned long val);
RWDBMsDbLib EnvironmentHandle
This class was renamed: RWDBMsSqlLibEnvironmentHandle.
The access library was renamed:
Microsoft SQL Server access library
The following functions were added:
SQLUINTEGER accessMode() const;
RWDBStatus accessMode
RWBoolean traceOption() const;
RWDBStatus traceOption
(RWBoolean value);
RWCString traceFileName() const;
RWDBStatus traceFileName
(const RWCString& name);
size_t maxBlobSize() const;
RWDBStatus maxBlobSize(size_t bSize);
size_t maxStringSize() const;
RWDBStatus maxStringSize
(size_t bSize);
RWCString currentQualifier() const;
RWDBStatus currentQualifier
(const RWCString& qualifier);
The following functions were deleted:
RWCString defaultLanguage() const;
RWCString interfacesFile() const;
RWCString clientCharacterSet() const;
RWDBStatus clientCharacterSet
(const RWCString& val);
int maximumProcs() const;
RWDBStatus maximumProcs(int value);
RWBoolean encrypt() const;
RWDBStatus encrypt(RWBoolean value);
RWBoolean enableSecurity() const;
RWDBStatus enableSecurity
(RWBoolean enable);
RWDBStatus securityLabels
(const RWCString& labelName,
const RWCString& labelValue);

No changes to the public interface
The following functions were replaced:
Hda_Def* hda();
size_t fetchSize() const;
void fetchSize(size_t number);
size_t parameterSize() const;
void parameterSize(size_t number);
size_t maxStoredProcParameterSize()
void maxStoredProcParameterSize
(size_t newSize);
See the Oracle access library guide for information on dealing with changes.
The following functions were added:
size_t piecewiseSize() const;
size_t piecewiseSize(size_t size);
size_t maximumBlobSize() const;
size_t maximumBlobSize(size_t newSize);
See the Oracle8 access library guide for information on using these functions.
The following functions were deleted:
CS_COMMAND * cscommand();
RWDBStatus rowsPerFetch(long value);
long rowsPerFetch();
See the Sybase CT access library guide for information on dealing with changes.
Product names in the documentation were standardized:
--the Rogue Wave product that provides access to Sybase is the Sybase CT access library;
--the product it provides access to is Sybase Client-Library;
--the Sybase server is Adaptive Server.

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