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1.3 Software Requirements

1.3.1 Compatibility

DBTools.h++ 4.0 is a major release of the DBTools.h++ product. For this reason, the core and access libraries are not necessarily link-compatible with previous versions. You may need to recompile and relink your applications with the new libraries.

DBTools.h++ 4.0 is almost entirely source compatible with applications, requiring no modifications to logic. Semantics are largely the same, but applications using enhanced features need to change internal logic. In this case, you must write to the new API, recompile, and relink. For the most recent information, please consult the readme file online at <rw_root>/parts/dbt<ver>[w|u]/docs/readme.db.

The DBTools.h++ Open SQL API is completely compatible with the standard DBTools.h++ API. You can use both interfaces in the same application.

1.3.2 Dependencies and Relationships

DBTools.h++ is fully integrated with the Rogue Wave industry-standard Tools.h++ library of foundation classes. Many DBTools.h++ classes are implemented using the fundamental data structures found in Tools.h++, so you must have Tools.h++ up and running in order to use DBTools.h++.

DBTools.h++ can also be used with DBTools.h++ XA, an add-on module that lets your DBTools.h++ applications work through a TPM. Contact your sales representative for more information.

1.3.3 Database Connectivity

DBTools.h++ relies on a successful connection to your database server. Before building the DBTools.h++ libraries, you must establish this connection and test that it is working. This process involves four steps:

  1. Install the client SDK, supplied by your database vendor, that you will use with your DBTools.h++ application.

  2. Establish that you have connectivity between the machine upon which the client SDK is installed in Step 1 above, and the database server you want to access. At minimum, use a database-vendor supplied product or a third-party product to establish a database session. Establishing connectivity can be a difficult step in developing client/server applications. If this is the first time you are establishing connectivity, you will probably need help from your system administrator. Rogue Wave technical support cannot help you with this step.

  3. Compile, link, and run at least one of the sample programs distributed by your database vendor. If possible, use the same compiler you will use for your DBTools.h++ applications. This is an important step because it ensures that the required library and header files are present and that they are compatible with your compiler and linker. If you are unable to compile and link the sample programs, you will be unable to compile and link with DBTools.h++. Rogue Wave technical support cannot help you with this step.

  4. Compile, link, and run at least one of the DBTools.h++ tutorial programs. You should also inspect the makefile we provide for building the tutorials located in <rw_root>/examples/dbcore. It shows how DBTools.h++ applications should be linked. More information on these steps is available in the DBTools.h++ Build Guide. If you have successfully completed steps 1 and 2 but have trouble with the tutorials, call Rogue Wave Technical Support.

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