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1.2 Features and Benefits

You can use DBTools.h++ for virtually any programming task involving interaction with a relational database management system (RDBMS). Its object-oriented architecture results in code that is shorter, cleaner, and more maintainable than code written to specific databases. Its two-tier design supports portability among databases and operating systems, yet allows direct calls to the underlying API.

The unique design of DBTools.h++ supports comprehensive functionality, consistency across multiple databases, and numerous performance enhancements.

1.2.1 Comprehensive Functionality

DBTools.h++ encapsulates the basic abstractions you need for database programming, as well as the special features required by individual applications. Some of these features include:

1.2.2 Consistency Across Different Databases

If you currently work with several different databases, you will find that DBTools.h++ promotes consistency through its processes and procedures. Features that promote consistency include:

1.2.3 Enhanced Performance

Our goal for DBTools.h++ is to bring performance as close as possible to native API performance benchmarks. Product features that specifically enhance DBTools.h++ performance include:

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