The DBTools.h++ database classes offer powerful encapsulations of relational database concepts. This chapter introduced you to:
RWDBManager, RWDBDatabase, and RWDBConnection, which are used to establish and maintain database connectivity.
RWDBTable, a base class that provides a uniform view of tabular data.
RWDBExpr, RWDBCriterion, and RWDBAssignment, which allow you to express SQL expressions using C++ syntax.
RWDBSelector, RWDBInserter, RWDBUpdater, and RWDBDeleter, which encapsulate their respective data manipulation concepts.
RWDBStoredProc, which offers extensive support for database stored procedures.
RWDBCursor, which offers an alternative, pointer-based access mechanism useful for certain specialized tasks.
Although the examples in this chapter illustrated a portion of the capabilities of each class, they were by no means exhaustive. For a complete listing of all the DBTools.h++ classes and methods, please refer to the DBTools.h++ Class Reference. To see how to use many of the classes and methods in an extended example, please see the advanced tutorials described later in this User's Guide.
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