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RWDBCriterion RWDBExpr

Data Type and Member Function Indexes
(exclusive of constructors and destructors)



#include <rw/db/expr.h>


RWDBCriterion is the result of applying logical operators to RWDBExpr. It is used to encapsulate SQL WHERE clauses.

RWDBCriterion represents a specialized type of RWDBExpr that is evaluated in an SQL statement as a boolean value. RWDBCriterion adds neither components nor member functions to the base class. Instead, it insures that a nonboolean expression is not placed in a context that requires a boolean expression during compilation.


In this example, an RWDBCriterion is created anonymously to be used as part of an SQL WHERE clause:

Public Constructors

RWDBCriterion(const RWDBExpr& Left, 
              RWDBPhraseBook::RWDBPhraseKey op, 
              const RWDBExpr& Right);
RWDBCriterion(RWDBPhraseBook::RWDBPhraseKey op,
              const RWDBExpr& expr);

Related Classes

RWDBCriterion is a special case of RWDBExpr. Please see RWDBExpr for details about RWDBCriterion usage, including operators and constructors.

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