CBM User Guide

CBMspeak: A Brief Glossary of Configuration and Build Model Terms

buildable part: A package of software that can be installed and built using the SPM configuration and build model. Parts may be recursive; that is, they can contain sub-parts. For example, the DBTools.h++ library is one buildable part, and the DBTools.h++ tutorials are another. Note that the tutorials constitute a buildable single part, since they exist in the same directory and share the same makefile.

configuration and build model (CBM): A series of Korn shell scripts that know how to determine a compiler's capabilities, generate makefiles from makefile templates, invoke make, and install software.

build type number: Build type numbers are included in library names to indicate how the following three parameters were set for the build:

  1. Does the library depend on the Standard C++ Library?
  2. Does the library support multithreading?
  3. Does the library support debugging?

Closely associated with the build type number is the linkage type code, s or d, which indicates whether the library is static or dynamic (also known as shared or dll).

makefile template: A precursor (named to the makefile used to build a library or application. ( performs a similar function.) CBM acts of the template, adding platform- and buildtype-conditional data to customize the generated makefile.

parts directory: A directory hierarchy containing the sources for a buildable software part.

platform file: A file located in <spm_root>/scripts/platform directory that holds essential information about an operating system/compiler combination. Software Parts Manager uses this information when building parts for the given platform.

Software Parts Manager (SPM): A tool for selecting and managing Rogue Wave parts. SPM has two parts: a set of configuration and build model scripts and the partmgr application, which has a graphical user interface that displays marketing literature, installs Rogue Wave software purchases, and invokes the mechanism that builds installed software.

unsupported platform: Rogue Wave certifies its products on a broad range of platforms, which are defined as an operating system and compiler combination, each of a particular version. Software Parts Manager supports these through its collection of environment profiles. Any platform not covered by an environment profile is considered unsupported. You can, however, still build for unsupported platforms through a command line build that specifies the -fNULL option when invoking rwspm.

workspace: A platform-specific directory hierarchy containing built, ready-to-use software, such as libraries and the headers needed to use them, and executables. It may also contain the sources necessary for building libraries or executables. A workspace resembles the rogue tree of Rogue Wave's old build model.

CBM User Guide