CBM User Guide

Contact Information

Here is how to:

Obtaining Software Parts Manager

To obtain just the Software Parts Manager interface installation, which allows you to install and build your product using the graphical interface, visit the SPM support page on our web site.

To obtain the Software Parts Manager CD, which includes the graphical interface and all Rogue Wave products in encrypted format that requires an unlock key, or to purchase additional Rogue Wave products, contact Rogue Wave:


Phone: (800) 487-3217 (within the U.S.) 

Fax: (303) 447-2568


Mail: Rogue Wave Software, Inc. 
      5500 Flatiron Parkway
      Boulder, CO 80301 

In Europe, contact one of the following:

Germany: Rogue Wave Software GmbH

    Robert-Bosch-Str. 5, Haus C 
    D-63303 Dreieich 

    Phone: +49-6103-59 34-0
    Fax: +49-6103-36 95-5

The Netherlands: Rogue Wave Software B.V.

    Postbus 74700, 1070 DJ Amsterdam
    Amsteldijk 166, 1079 LH Amsterdam
    The Netherlands

    Phone: +31-20-301 26 26
    Fax: +31-20-301 26 36

France: Rogue Wave Software S.A.R.L.

    Tour Ariane 
    5 Place de la Pyramide 
    92088 Paris La Défense Cedex

    Phone: +33-1-5568 1008 
    Fax: +33-1-5568 1208 

United Kingdom: Rogue Wave Software-UK. Ltd.

    Wyvols Court 
    Berks, RG7 1PY 
    United Kingdom

    Phone: +44-118-988 0224
    Fax: +44-118-988 0360

Italy: Rogue Wave Software S.R.L.

    Via Giovanni Da Udine, 34
    20156 Milano

    Phone: +39-2-3809 3288
    Fax: +39-2-3809 3289

All other countries:

    Dial to U.S. and then dial (303) 473-9118

Technical Support

For the fastest technical support response, we recommend that you contact us at

Telephone  303 545-3205	
Fax:       303 545-3012	
Mail:      5500 Flatiron Parkway, Boulder, CO 80301 USA	
           Europe only:
If you live in Europe and would like technical support in your own language, contact:
Rogue Wave Software GmbH      +49-6103-59 34-0	
Rogue Wave Software B.V.      +31-20-301 26 26	
Rogue Wave Software S.A.R.L.  +33-1-5568 1008	
Rogue Wave Software-UK.Ltd.   +44-118-988 0224
Rogue Wave Software S.R.L     +39-2-3809 3288

Corporate Headquarters

CBM User Guide