Computes a singular value decomposition of a matrix based on the LAPACK routine xgesvd
#include <rw/lapack/svdcalc.h>
template<class TypeT>
class RWSVDCalc< TypeT >
Computes a singular value decomposition of a matrix A. Based on the LAPACK routine xgesvd
. This class may be used as the SVDCalc template parameter for the classes RWSVDecomp, RWSVServer and RWLeastSqSV.
- Synopsis
#include <rw/lapack/svdcalc.h>
◆ norm_type
◆ computeSVD()
where norm_type is a typedef for rw_numeric_traits<T>::norm_type. The return value is true
if the decomposition was successfully computed.
- Parameters
A | The input matrix for which the singular value decomposition is being computed. |
U | The output matrix of left singular victors (the columns of U are the left singular vectors). |
VT | The output matrix of right singular victors (the rows of VT are the right singular victors). |
sigma | The output vector of singular values in descending order. |
tolerance | The input singular values with magnitude less than tolerance will be set to zero. |
numLeftVectors | The input number of left vectors to compute. If the number is less than zero, the default number of vectors will be computed (it is up to the developer to determine what the default is). |
numRightVectors | The input number of right vectors to compute. If the number is less than zero, the default number of vectors will be computed (it is up to the developer to determine what the default is). |