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RWMoneyCalculator< T > Class Template Reference

Performs algebraic operations when the money operands in an equation are not of the same currency. More...

#include <rw/currency/moneycalc.h>

Public Types

enum  ConversionType { noConversion , base , target , source }
enum  RoundMethod {
  noRounding , up , down , plain ,

Public Member Functions

 RWMoneyCalculator ()
 RWMoneyCalculator (const RWExchangeFactory< T > &ef, ConversionType ct, const RWCString &baseCurr="", RoundMethod rm=noRounding, unsigned int accuracy=2, unsigned int roundDigit=5)
 RWMoneyCalculator (const RWExchangeRateTable &ert, ConversionType ct, const RWCString &baseCurr="", RoundMethod rm=noRounding, unsigned int accuracy=2, unsigned int roundDigit=5)
 RWMoneyCalculator (const RWMoneyCalculator< T > &calc)
 RWMoneyCalculator (RoundMethod rm, unsigned int accuracy, unsigned int roundDigit=5)
RWMoney< T > abs (const RWMoney< T > &x) const
unsigned int accuracy () const
RWMoney< T > add (const RWMoney< T > &lhs, const RWMoney< T > &rhs) const
RWCString baseCurrency () const
ConversionType conversionType () const
RWMoney< T > divide (const RWMoney< T > &lhs, const T &rhs) const
bool equal (const RWMoney< T > &lhs, const RWMoney< T > &rhs) const
RWExchangeFactory< T > & exchangeFactory ()
RWExchangeFactory< T > exchangeFactory () const
bool greaterThan (const RWMoney< T > &lhs, const RWMoney< T > &rhs) const
bool greaterThanOrEqual (const RWMoney< T > &lhs, const RWMoney< T > &rhs) const
bool greaterThanZero (const RWMoney< T > &x) const
bool isZero (const RWMoney< T > &x) const
bool lessThan (const RWMoney< T > &lhs, const RWMoney< T > &rhs) const
bool lessThanOrEqual (const RWMoney< T > &lhs, const RWMoney< T > &rhs) const
bool lessThanZero (const RWMoney< T > &x) const
RWMoney< T > multiply (const RWMoney< T > &lhs, const T &rhs) const
RWMoney< T > multiply (const T &lhs, const RWMoney< T > &rhs) const
RWMoneyCalculator< T > & operator= (const RWMoneyCalculator< T > &)
RWMoney< T > round (const RWMoney< T > &) const
unsigned int roundDigit () const
RoundMethod roundMethod () const
bool sameCurrency (const RWMoney< T > &lhs, const RWMoney< T > &rhs) const
void setAccuracy (unsigned int a)
void setConversionType (ConversionType ct)
void setExchangeFactory (const RWExchangeFactory< T > &f)
void setRoundDigit (unsigned int rd)
void setRoundMethod (RoundMethod rm)
RWMoney< T > subtract (const RWMoney< T > &lhs, const RWMoney< T > &rhs) const

Detailed Description

template<class T>
class RWMoneyCalculator< T >

Class RWMoneyCalculator can perform algebraic operations when the money operands in the equation are not of the same currency. Because some conversion from one currency to another must occur before such an operation can be carried out, RWMoneyCalculator lets you specify a conversion policy for calculator objects.

#include <rw/currency/moneycalc.h>
Performs algebraic operations when the money operands in an equation are not of the same currency.
Definition moneycalc.h:101

Conversion Policies

Four conversion policies are available:

  • No Conversion. Any operations performed on monies of different currencies will throw an exception.
  • Base Currency Conversion. When arithmetic operations are performed on monies of different currencies both operands will first be converted to the base currency. The operation will then be performed and the result returned in the base currency.
  • Target Currency Conversion. When arithmetic operations are performed on monies of different currencies, the source operand (first argument) is converted to the target operand (second argument) currency and the result is returned in the target currency.
  • Source Currency Conversion. When arithmetic operations are performed on monies of different currencies, the target operand (second argument) is converted to the source operand (first argument) currency and the result is returned in the source currency.

Conversions are carried out through the RWExchangeFactory object that is associated with the particular calculator object.

Rounding Policies

In addition to setting the conversion policy, you must set a rounding policy and an accuracy for the calculator. The accuracy specifies how many digits to the right of the decimal points should be reported. Rounding a negative number is equivalent to rounding the absolute value of the negative number, then multiplying the result by negative one. Briefly, the available rounding policies available for RWMoneyCalculator are:

  • Don't round. No rounding will occur, and accuracy is ignored.
  • Round up. Always add one to the digit at the specified accuracy decimal place, then truncate any digits to the right.
  • Round down. Truncate all digits to the right of the specified accuracy decimal place.
  • Plain. If the digit one to the right of the specified accuracy decimal place is greater than a comparison digit, increase the digit at the accuracy position by one and truncate all numbers to the right. Otherwise, truncate all digits to the right of the accuracy place digit.
  • Bankers. If the digit one to the right of the specified accuracy decimal place is equal to a comparison digit, round so that the digit at the specified accuracy position is even. If the digit one to the right of the specified accuracy position is greater than a comparison digit, increment by one the digit at the specified accuracy position. If the digit one to the right of the specified accuracy position is less than a comparison digit, truncate all numbers to the right of the accuracy position.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ ConversionType

template<class T >
enum RWMoneyCalculator::ConversionType

Enumeration for the currency conversion policy. For details see the Conversion Policies section.


No Conversion


Base currency conversion


Target currency conversion


Source currency conversion

◆ RoundMethod

template<class T >
enum RWMoneyCalculator::RoundMethod

Enumeration for rounding method. For details see the Rounding Policies section.


No rounding


Round up


Round down





Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ RWMoneyCalculator() [1/5]

template<class T >
RWMoneyCalculator< T >::RWMoneyCalculator ( )

Constructs a calculator object that does no rounding or currency conversion.

◆ RWMoneyCalculator() [2/5]

template<class T >
RWMoneyCalculator< T >::RWMoneyCalculator ( const RWMoneyCalculator< T > & calc)

Copy constructor.

◆ RWMoneyCalculator() [3/5]

template<class T >
RWMoneyCalculator< T >::RWMoneyCalculator ( RoundMethod rm,
unsigned int accuracy,
unsigned int roundDigit = 5 )

Construct a calculator that does rounding, but does not do currency conversion.

◆ RWMoneyCalculator() [4/5]

template<class T >
RWMoneyCalculator< T >::RWMoneyCalculator ( const RWExchangeFactory< T > & ef,
ConversionType ct,
const RWCString & baseCurr = "",
RoundMethod rm = noRounding,
unsigned int accuracy = 2,
unsigned int roundDigit = 5 )

Construct a calculator that does currency conversion and rounding, if other than the default RoundMethod is provided.

◆ RWMoneyCalculator() [5/5]

template<class T >
RWMoneyCalculator< T >::RWMoneyCalculator ( const RWExchangeRateTable & ert,
ConversionType ct,
const RWCString & baseCurr = "",
RoundMethod rm = noRounding,
unsigned int accuracy = 2,
unsigned int roundDigit = 5 )

Same as above, except use the given exchange rate table to construct the exchange factory argument.

Member Function Documentation

◆ abs()

template<class T >
RWMoney< T > RWMoneyCalculator< T >::abs ( const RWMoney< T > & x) const

Returns the absolute value of the parameter.

◆ accuracy()

template<class T >
unsigned int RWMoneyCalculator< T >::accuracy ( ) const

Returns the accuracy for this RWMoneyCalculator object.

◆ add()

template<class T >
RWMoney< T > RWMoneyCalculator< T >::add ( const RWMoney< T > & lhs,
const RWMoney< T > & rhs ) const

Adds the two RWMoney operands and returns the result.

Addition and subtraction are allowed on monies of different currency types if the conversion type for the calculator object is set to base, target, or source.

◆ baseCurrency()

template<class T >
RWCString RWMoneyCalculator< T >::baseCurrency ( ) const

Returns the currency that is used when the conversion type is set to base.

◆ conversionType()

template<class T >
ConversionType RWMoneyCalculator< T >::conversionType ( ) const

Returns the current conversion type for this RWMoneyCalculator object.

◆ divide()

template<class T >
RWMoney< T > RWMoneyCalculator< T >::divide ( const RWMoney< T > & lhs,
const T & rhs ) const

Divides the first operand by the second and returns the result.

◆ equal()

template<class T >
bool RWMoneyCalculator< T >::equal ( const RWMoney< T > & lhs,
const RWMoney< T > & rhs ) const

Tests for equality for monies of the same or different currency types. If the currency types differ, the conversion type for the calculator object must be set to base, target, or source. This allows the values to be converted before they are compared.

◆ exchangeFactory() [1/2]

template<class T >
RWExchangeFactory< T > & RWMoneyCalculator< T >::exchangeFactory ( )

Returns the exchange factory that is being used by the calculator. This version may be used to modify the exchange factory.

◆ exchangeFactory() [2/2]

template<class T >
RWExchangeFactory< T > RWMoneyCalculator< T >::exchangeFactory ( ) const

Returns the exchange factory that is being used by the calculator.

◆ greaterThan()

template<class T >
bool RWMoneyCalculator< T >::greaterThan ( const RWMoney< T > & lhs,
const RWMoney< T > & rhs ) const

Relational comparisons for monies of the same or different currency types. If the currency types differ, the conversion type for the calculator object must be set to base, target, or source. This allows the values to be converted before they are compared.

◆ greaterThanOrEqual()

template<class T >
bool RWMoneyCalculator< T >::greaterThanOrEqual ( const RWMoney< T > & lhs,
const RWMoney< T > & rhs ) const

Relational comparisons for monies of the same or different currency types. If the currency types differ, the conversion type for the calculator object must be set to base, target, or source. This allows the values to be converted before they are compared.

◆ greaterThanZero()

template<class T >
bool RWMoneyCalculator< T >::greaterThanZero ( const RWMoney< T > & x) const

Tests whether the indicated value is greater than zero.

◆ isZero()

template<class T >
bool RWMoneyCalculator< T >::isZero ( const RWMoney< T > & x) const

Tests whether the indicated value is equal to zero.

◆ lessThan()

template<class T >
bool RWMoneyCalculator< T >::lessThan ( const RWMoney< T > & lhs,
const RWMoney< T > & rhs ) const

Relational comparisons for monies of the same or different currency types. If the currency types differ, the conversion type for the calculator object must be set to base, target, or source. This allows the values to be converted before they are compared.

◆ lessThanOrEqual()

template<class T >
bool RWMoneyCalculator< T >::lessThanOrEqual ( const RWMoney< T > & lhs,
const RWMoney< T > & rhs ) const

Relational comparisons for monies of the same or different currency types. If the currency types differ, the conversion type for the calculator object must be set to base, target, or source. This allows the values to be converted before they are compared.

◆ lessThanZero()

template<class T >
bool RWMoneyCalculator< T >::lessThanZero ( const RWMoney< T > & x) const

Tests whether the indicated value is less than zero.

◆ multiply() [1/2]

template<class T >
RWMoney< T > RWMoneyCalculator< T >::multiply ( const RWMoney< T > & lhs,
const T & rhs ) const

Multiplies the first operand by the second and returns the result.

◆ multiply() [2/2]

template<class T >
RWMoney< T > RWMoneyCalculator< T >::multiply ( const T & lhs,
const RWMoney< T > & rhs ) const

Multiplies the first operand by the second and returns the result.

◆ operator=()

template<class T >
RWMoneyCalculator< T > & RWMoneyCalculator< T >::operator= ( const RWMoneyCalculator< T > & )

Assignment operator.

◆ round()

template<class T >
RWMoney< T > RWMoneyCalculator< T >::round ( const RWMoney< T > & ) const

Rounds the provided RWMoney value according to the current rounding method and accuracy for RWMoneyCalculator.

◆ roundDigit()

template<class T >
unsigned int RWMoneyCalculator< T >::roundDigit ( ) const

Returns the current value for the round digit.

◆ roundMethod()

template<class T >
RoundMethod RWMoneyCalculator< T >::roundMethod ( ) const

Returns the rounding method for this RWMoneyCalculator object.

◆ sameCurrency()

template<class T >
bool RWMoneyCalculator< T >::sameCurrency ( const RWMoney< T > & lhs,
const RWMoney< T > & rhs ) const

Compares whether the given values have the same currency type.

◆ setAccuracy()

template<class T >
void RWMoneyCalculator< T >::setAccuracy ( unsigned int a)

Sets the accuracy value for this RWMoneyCalculator object.

◆ setConversionType()

template<class T >
void RWMoneyCalculator< T >::setConversionType ( ConversionType ct)

Sets the conversion type for this RWMoneyCalculator object.

◆ setExchangeFactory()

template<class T >
void RWMoneyCalculator< T >::setExchangeFactory ( const RWExchangeFactory< T > & f)

Sets the exchange factory used by the calculator.

◆ setRoundDigit()

template<class T >
void RWMoneyCalculator< T >::setRoundDigit ( unsigned int rd)

Sets the value for the rounding digit. The default value is 5.

◆ setRoundMethod()

template<class T >
void RWMoneyCalculator< T >::setRoundMethod ( RoundMethod rm)

Sets the rounding method for the calculator.

◆ subtract()

template<class T >
RWMoney< T > RWMoneyCalculator< T >::subtract ( const RWMoney< T > & lhs,
const RWMoney< T > & rhs ) const

Subtracts the second operand from the first and returns the result.

Addition and subtraction are allowed on monies of different currency types if the conversion type for the calculator object is set to base, target, or source.

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