Handling Exceptions
The Essential Tools Module of SourcePro Core provides basic error handling for Rogue Wave classes through the exception classes RWxmsg, RWInternalErr, and RWExternalErr. Both RWInternalErr and RWExternalErr are derived from RWxmsg.
*RWInternalErr is an exception base class for all internal errors. An internal error is defined as an error that your application could not reasonably predict. Examples include memory allocation errors and, in the Secure Sockets package, a failure internal to the underlying cryptographic library.
*RWExternalErr is an exception base class for all external errors. An external error is defined as an error that your application can predict. Examples include “file not found” errors and, in the Secure Sockets package, “invalid certificate format” errors.
All exceptions in the Secure Sockets package are derived from either RWInternalErr or RWExternalErr. This design enables you to select an appropriate exception granularity for your application.
Most example programs included with the Secure Sockets package catch RWInternalErr and RWExternalErr exceptions.
NOTE: If you are mixing calls to the underlying cryptographic library with calls to the Secure Sockets package, see Handling Errors from the Cryptographic Library.