Essential Networking and SourcePro Net
The Rogue Wave product SourcePro Net consists of three modules: Essential Networking, Internet Protocols and Secure Communication. The modules are divided into packages, and the Essential Networking Module contains one package, Networking.
Within SourcePro Net, the role of the Essential Networking Module is to provide the basic networking functionality that the other modules build on. For example, the Internet Protocols Module implements the HTTP, FTP, SMTP, and POP3 protocols using Essential Networking classes such as RWSocket,RWPortal, and RWInetAddr. Most users of the Internet Protocols Module don't see RWSocket or RWPortal, but in many cases these classes supply the underlying functionality.
More visibly, the Secure Communication Module builds on the classes found in the Essential Networking Module to provide an object-oriented API for secure communication. Class RWSecureSocket of the Secure Communication module has an API compatible with RWSocket, and uses classes such as RWSockAddrBase from the Essential Networking Module in its interface. The architecture of the Secure Communication Module is based on the architecture of the Essential Networking Module.