Stored Procedures and Open SQL
Stored procedures and PL/SQL block can be directly executed on an RWDBOSql object, just like an SQL statement. For cursor parameters, the proper binding type is RWDBNativeType1. Here is an example:
myOpenSqlObject.statement(“BEGIN myStoredProc(:id, :cursor); END;”,
In this example, myStoredProc is the name of the stored procedure, :id and :cursor are the placeholders for the parameters to be passed to the stored procedure, and myOpenSqlObject is an RWDBOSql instance. Note the hint provided as Procedure.
RWDBOSql myOpenSqlObject("BEGIN :ret := myStoredFunc(:id, :cursor); END;",
In this example, myStoredFunc is a stored function that returns a value. An additional placeholder, :ret, is used to receive the return value as an OUT parameter. Please see An Open SQL Stored Procedure Example for an example that uses RWDBOSql with stored procedures.
NOTE: Stored procedure execution is not supported with the data callback classes.