Errors and ODBC Conformance
SourcePro DB makes no attempt to simulate behavior that is not provided in the ODBC API, the ODBC SQL grammar, and Microsoft SQL Server ODBC extensions. For this reason, certain functions of the DB Interface Module are reported as errors using the error code RWDBStatus::notSupported. For example, the RWDBValue::MBString datatype is not supported, so attempts to use this type are reported as not supported.
A broad range of possible errors can originate from the Microsoft SQL Server ODBC driver, the Microsoft ODBC driver manager, the underlying network library, or the SQL Server. These errors are reported using the error code RWDBStatus::serverError. The source of the error can be determined from the message reported by the RWDBStatus::vendorMessage2() method, which contains the message header returned by the driver. Please see the Microsoft SQL Server ODBC driver documentation for more information regarding message headers.
We make no attempt to mitigate against such errors, but when an error does occur, information is transferred to objects of the DB Interface Module as described below.