Instantiating an RWDBCursor
Instances of RWDBCursor are created in much the same manner as RWDBSelector instances. The cursor() member function of the RWDBDatabase class produces an instance of RWDBCursor. There are also cursor() member functions for RWDBTable and RWDBSelector, each forwarding the actual creation of the cursor to its associated database. Only RWDBTable instances representing database tables or derived tables produce usable RWDBCursor instances. In particular, RWDBMemTable and RWDBTPtrMemTable produce invalid cursors. The following lines create RWDBCursor instances:
RWDBCursor cursor1 = aDatabase.cursor(aSelector);
RWDBCursor cursor2 = aTable.cursor();
RWDBCursor cursor3 = aSelector.cursor();
Cursors can also be created with alternative access attributes. Some databases support scrollable cursors. These cursors need not access data linearly; they can jump around. Scrollable cursors are created with the special flag RWDBCursor::Scrolling.
RWDBCursor cursor3 = aSelector.cursor(RWDBCursor::Scrolling);