Output Stream Example
To write out a string encoded in Shift-JIS, use following code.
#include "rw/i18n/RWUToUnicodeConverter.h" // 1
RWCString myString;
// Initialize myString with characters encoded in Shift-JIS
RWUToUnicodeConverter fromShiftJis("Shift-JIS"); // 2
RWObjectOutputStream out = RWXmlObjectOutputStreamImp::make(cout);// 3
out << RWUString(myString, fromShiftJis); // 4
//1 Include the header file for the “to Unicode” converter class.
//2 Create a converter for converting from Shift-JIS to UTF-16.
//3 Create the XML output stream.
//4 Construct an RWUString (using the constructor that takes a second “converter” parameter) from the RWCString containing characters encoded in Shift-JIS. The constructor will convert the Shift-JIS characters to UTF-16. Then shift out the RWUString. The inserter for the XML output stream will convert the UTF-16 characters in the RWUString to the UTF-8 required by XML.