In this example, key-value pairs of character strings and offsets to
RWDateTimes representing birthdays are stored. Given a name, you can retrieve a birthdate from disk.
#include <rw/disktree.h>
#include <rw/filemgr.h>
#include <rw/cstring.h>
#include <rw/rwdate.h>
#include <rw/rstream.h>
int main(){
RWCString name;
RWDateTime birthday;
RWFileManager fm("birthday.dat");
RWBTreeOnDisk btree(fm); // 1
while (std::cin >> name) // 2
std::cin >> birthday; // 3
RWoffset loc = fm.allocate(birthday.binaryStoreSize() // 4
fm.SeekTo(loc); // 5
fm << birthday; // 6
btree.insertKeyAndValue(name, loc); // 7
return 0;
Here is the line-by-line description:
After you store the names and birthdates on a file, you can retrieve them like this:
#include <rw/disktree.h>
#include <rw/filemgr.h>
#include <rw/cstring.h>
#include <rw/rwdate.h>
#include <rw/rstream.h>
int main(){
RWCString name;
RWDateTime birthday;
RWFileManager fm("birthday.dat");
RWBTreeOnDisk btree(fm);
std::cout << "Give name: ";
if (!( std::cin >> name)) break; // 1
RWoffset loc = btree.findValue(name); // 2
if (loc==RWNIL) // 3
std::cerr << "Not found.\n";
fm.SeekTo(loc); // 4
fm >> birthday; // 5
std::cout << "Birthday is " << birthday << std::endl; // 6
return 0;
Here is a description of the program:
With a little effort, you can easily have more than one B-tree active in the same file. This allows you to maintain indexes on more than one key. Here's how you would create three B-trees in the same file:
#include <rw/disktree.h>
#include <rw/filemgr.h>
int main(){
RWoffset rootArray[3];
RWFileManager fm("index.dat");
RWoffset rootArrayOffset = fm.allocate(sizeof(rootArray));
for (int itree=0; itree<3; itree++)
RWBTreeOnDisk btree(fm, 10, RWBTreeOnDisk::create);
rootArray[itree] = btree.baseLocation();
fm.Write(rootArray, 3);
return 0;
And here is how you could open the three B-trees:
#include <rw/disktree.h>
#include <rw/filemgr.h>
int main(){
RWoffset rootArray[3]; // Location of the tree roots
RWBTreeOnDisk* treeArray[3]; // Pointers to the RWBTreeOnDisks
RWFileManager fm("index.dat");
fm.SeekTo(fm.start()); // Recover locations of root nodes
fm.Read(rootArray, 3);
for (int itree=0; itree<3; itree++)
// Initialize the three trees:
treeArray[itree] = new RWBTreeOnDisk(fm,
10, // Max. nodes cached
RWBTreeOnDisk::autoCreate, // Will read old tree
16, // Key length
false, // Do not ignore nulls
rootArray[itree]); // Location of root
for (itree=0; itree<3; itree++) // Free heap memory
delete treeArray[itree];
return 0;