Figure 17 – List collectable classes
1. Is bi-directional access needed? If needed, the collection can be iterated forwards and backwards.
2. What is the primary access method? The linked-nodes method allows data access in the middle of the collection, whereas the at-ends method allows data access only at the start or end of the collection.
Figure 18 – List template classes
1. Is bi-directional access needed? If needed, the collection can be iterated forwards and backwards.
2. What is the primary access method? The linked-nodes method allows data access in the middle of the collection, whereas the at-ends method allows data access only at the start or end of the collection.
3. Is the order intrinsic or external? If the data within the collection is controlled by how it is inserted, the order is determined externally. If the data is stored in a location based on an algorithm used by the collection, then the ordering is intrinsic.
4. Are items implicitly linked-list nodes? Each item is a linked-list node managed by the user.