Implementing Virtuals Via Statics
Since the virtual method isA() returns a “runtime unique” RWClassID, we can use this one virtual method to provide an index into a lookup table where various data or function pointers are stored. (This may remind you of C++ built-in vtables!) Since RWCollectables already depend on the existence of a single RWFactory, we chose to use that RWFactory instance to hold the lookup information.
The static method:
RWStringID RWCollectable::stringID(RWClassID id);
will attempt to look up id in the RWFactory instance. If it succeeds in finding an associated RWStringID, it will return it. Otherwise, it will return RWStringID("NoID").
The static method:
RWClassID RWCollectable::classID(RWStringID sid)
works in an analogous manner, looking in the RWFactory instance to see if there is an RWClassID associated with sid. If the method finds one, it returns it; otherwise, it returns RWClassID __RWUNKNOWN.