Querying Attribute Values
Use the following functions to query the corresponding attribute value:
These functions throw the following exceptions:
*RWTHROperationNotSupported if the attribute is not recognized or supported by the current environment
*RWTHROperationNotAvailable if the specified attribute is supported, but its value has not yet been defined with a call to the matching “set” function, and no default value is available under the current circumstances.
The process-scope and system-scope priority functions can be substituted for getPriority(), and vice-versa, as long as you define the appropriate contention scope.
Once a thread has been created and is active, you can use the following RWThread or RWThreadSelf functions to set the corresponding thread attribute value:
In addition to the exceptions produced by their RWThreadAttribute counterparts, these functions throw an RWTHRThreadNotActive exception if the threaded runnable instance being manipulated does not have an active thread.