Yielding Execution
A thread can use a yield operation to free processing resources for the execution of other threads. The yield operation can be used in continuous or compute-bound operations to give other threads a chance to make progress.
You can use two different functions to yield execution:
*void RWRunnableSelf::yield(void)
The RWRunnableSelf::yield() function can be called by a thread running inside of a runnable object. This function sets the runnable execution state to RW_THR_YIELDING[16] before yielding execution. The execution state is reset to RW_THR_RUNNING[17] once the thread begins executing again.
*void rwYield(void)
The global rwYield() function can be called by any thread, regardless of whether or not it originated or is executing within a runnable object. This function is identical to the yield() function except that it causes no changes in the execution state of a runnable.