Using the RWTTryLockGuard Template Class
The RWTTryLockGuard template class defines a constructor that uses the resource member function tryAcquire(), to conditionally acquire a resource. The tryAcquire() function only acquires the resource when it is immediately available. It returns true if the resource was successfully acquired and false if the resource is currently owned by another thread. The destructor for this class releases the resource, but only if it was and is still acquired. The try-lock guard method isAcquired() can be used to test whether or not the acquisition was successful.
Example 42 – Using a try-lock guard for conditional acquisition and release
RWTTryLockGuard<RWMutexLock> lock(mutex);
if (lock.isAcquired()) {
// Mutex is acquired!
else {
// Mutex was not acquired!
// Mutex is released (if acquired)!