Object Streams With Virtual Streams
Object streams work with virtual streams through adapters. If a serializable object needs to be saved or restored from a virtual stream, then an object stream can be constructed from the virtual stream using the RWDataFromVirtualInputStreamImp and RWDataToVirtualOutputStreamImp adapter classes. (See Writing to and Reading from Compact Object Streams With Virtual Streams.)
The adapter enables you to format the primitive types in any way virtual streams can:
*portable ascii, RWpistream/RWpostream. This format is human-readable (to a point), but it is bigger and slower than the other options.
*portable binary, RWeistream/RWeostream. This format is smaller and faster than ascii, but it is not human-readable.
*native binary, RWbistream/RWbostream.This format is slightly smaller and faster than portable binary, but it is non-portable and not human-readable.