Class RWLogisticIterLSQ uses iterative least squares for finding logistic regression parameters. Some people also refer to this algorithm as the Newton-Raphson method. The algorithm starts with a set of parameters that corresponds to a linear fit of the data using the normal equations. Then the method repeatedly forms at iteration k by solving the linear equations:
where X is the regression matrix, V(k – 1) is the diagonal matrix of variance estimates at iteration k – 1, and z(k – 1) is a vector of adjusted predictions at iteration k – 1. Element i of z(k – 1) is defined as:
The algorithm stops iterating when the size of the change in parameter values falls below a small, predetermined value. The default value is macheps(2/3), where macheps is the value of machine epsilon.
Iterative least squares is one of the fastest algorithms for finding logistic regression parameters.
If the initial parameter estimate is poor, the algorithm is not guaranteed to converge successfully, while a more sophisticated algorithm might converge.